game design outline

Game Design Outline

1. Game Mechanics

Discuss any and all game mechanics unique to your game idea: Choice based action adventure and horror game

2. Genre

game genre: Action/horror

3. Platform and Controls 

 What consoles and why. Map out control schemes: Console and PC because everyone deserves to play games. 

4. Avatar 

 The main character that you control. Look, abilities, background: the main character is a tall white man, with brown hair and green eyes. His ability is detective mode. He is mostly standing around a rainy and dark background.

5. Camera Perspective 

 this/first person? Top down? Etc. Why?: the game is first person but occasionally switches to third person. the game is set in a first person POV as you're supposed to be playing as the character like he is you.

6. Goals and Scores 

 What are you aiming to do? What are your rewards? What ‘currency’ do the game have if any (what can you spend): i aiming to make a riveting and scary story game, which will reward the players by heightening their skills. there is no currency.

7. Progression and Variety 

 How will you keep the game varied and interesting throughout: Each act is set in a different year of the main characters life.

8. Tension and Rest 

 How will you build moments of tension and excitement. How and when will you let the player relax (but not become bored): During the times when the main character is at home, he will be able to read books, watch TV and then once ready, the player can start the next part of the game. 

9. Obstacles and Penalties 

 What is in the way of the objective? What is the penalty for failing an objective: each fail changes how the story plays out, each outcome has pros and cons.

10. Resources 

 What can you pick up and use?: when investigating the player can interact with anything that seems suspicious.= that can be books, statues, trophies etc.

11. Decisions 

 What decisions can the player make during the course of the game, action or story based?: It is a mix of both, certain events are action based like chasing the bad guy but some are story like telling a character that the bad guy might be targeting them.

12. Storytelling 

 How will the story be told? Through game, cut scenes, voice overs, etc: it will be told through kind of a mix of all the things that was listed.

13. Art Direction and Style 

 How will the game look, what is it’s visual inspirations?: it'll be kind of like a Detroit: become Human type of game with its realistic style and occasionally become 2d pixel art when flashbacks of less important events 

14. Sound Design

the soundtrack will be eerie and very sad sounding for most the dark events and themes.